Neil Plakcy
1. I hear you have a Golden Retriever mystery series. I do. Sixteen of them so far. They began in 2011, but because I don’t want my canine sleuth to get too old, I’m trying to plot out three or … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have a Golden Retriever mystery series. I do. Sixteen of them so far. They began in 2011, but because I don’t want my canine sleuth to get too old, I’m trying to plot out three or … Continue reading →
1. Hi, Max. Since Mariah’s story is about you, please tell us about Max–Canine Concierge of Love. MAX: Thank you for asking. I’m a very cute and lovable (I’ve been told that too many times to count) one-year-old big puppy. … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have a dog in your rock and roll romances. Yes! It’s sometimes hard for rock and rollers on tour to have pets, but they can often use the stress release when they get home. In Rock … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have a pet in your series. Tell us about the books. I write a series called Pet Rescue Romance in which I weave pet rescue and adoption into the love stories. The books can be found … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have dogs in two of your novels. Tell us about the books. Dogs have always been a part of my life. It’s just natural that dogs appear in two stories of the Fitzpatrick Family series: When … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have a wolfhound in your novel. Tell us about the book. Loyal and True, the first book in my Hearts of Caledonia Trilogy, is a historical romance set in ancient Scotland. The heroine, Barta, is … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have animals in your Man vs. Nature novels. Tell us about the books. Man vs. Nature is a series of trilogies, each addressing a time in man’s evolution when we should have died out but didn’t. … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have a cat rescuer in your novel. Tell us about the book. I have not actually released my cat rescuer book yet. The novel, Way Past Crazy, is part of a new romance series I will … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have a pet in your latest novel. Tell us about the book. Yes! Society: West Coast is the third in a four-book series called Society Coastal. It’s a bit of a naughty book for most people, … Continue reading →
1. I hear you have animals in your novel, Heart’s Journey. Tell us about the book. Heart’s Journey, book two of the Heart’s Desire series, is set on a farm in 1880 Iowa. Julia is from an upper-class family in … Continue reading →