
Mona Karel — 12 Comments

  1. I love the interview with Mona, one of my most favorite people in the world. You have many more stories to tell & I believe that you should be yourself, although I do like Mona too! Love all of the dogs & horses too.❤️❤️

    • Hi, Gloria! I like Mona’s name, too. Picking a pen name can be difficult sometimes, but I like both of her names. 😉 Thanks for stopping by Mona’s interview. Have a wonderful summer!

    • Hi, Gloria! You were randomly chosen to win one of my ebooks! Congratulations! I’ll email you with the details. Thank you again for dropping by Mona’s interview and commenting. Have a safe and happy week!

  2. Your books sound interesting, Mona. My husband, retired Army, has been helping Vets who just need some help getting back into civilian live – so I’ll definitely look into A QUESTION OF HONOR. Love the pet connection too- can’t go wrong with those guys. Go with your own name of the next venture!!!!

    • Thanks for stopping by, bn100. By the way, you won one of my ebooks by commenting on a previous interview, but my attempts to reach you by email have failed. If you would like to receive an ebook of mine, just respond to this comment. Have a great day!

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