Kayelle Allen
1. I hear you have shapeshifters in your novels. Tell us about those books.
My shapeshifters are unusual in that they don’t personally change shape — they trade places with their bondmates. Pietas and Dessy are twins and immortal. They are thousands of years old and their bondmates are twin dragons. Pietas and Stormsinger create thunderstorms and rain at will. Dessy and Fireshade summon ice and snow.
2. Why did you add shapeshifters to your books?
I love dragons and have a pair of statues near my desk. The pair is named for my two characters. The blue one (right) is Pietas/Stormsinger and the other is Dessy/Fireshade. Having these two nearby is good inspiration.
3. What other romances have you written?
I write multiple genres, including space opera, science fiction, fantasy, non-fiction, contemporary holiday romance, and science fiction romance. I used to write erotic romance, but I have moved to sweeter stories. Except for one trilogy, all my books are rated between G and PG13. In those books, there is no explicit content or profanity.
4. How do you promote your books?
Most of my promotion is sharing stories and insights about my characters. I’m active on Facebook and Twitter, and I have a huge collection of images on Pinterest. Pietas has a board with multiple sub-folders, each with unique images. I have one dedicated solely to dragons. https://www.pinterest.com/kayelleallen/bringer-of-chaos-pietas/dragons/ and another with panthers. https://www.pinterest.com/kayelleallen/bringer-of-chaos-pietas/panthers/
If someone wants to know more about me, the best place to find that is on my bio page. I call it Kayelle Allen and Misbehaving Robots. https://kayelleallen.com/misbehaving-robots/ There is a list of workshops I’ve taught, awards I’ve won, and a lot more background. When you join one of my reader groups, you have access to a whole lot more material, including downloads and free books. Everyone is welcome to visit my coloring book page and download as many coloring books as they want. I have several.
If you just want a list of books, download this pdf: https://kayelleallen.com/media/booksbykayelle.pdf I keep it updated, and it will soon have at least one more book. I have a new tale coming out in January, part of the Antonello Brothers series.
5. Where can readers learn more about your books and connect with you online?
Please do connect. I love hearing from readers and I’m always happy to chat and answer questions. If you join one of my reader groups, you’ll be first to get inside secrets and access to exclusive content just for members. You can choose SciFi or SciFi with Romance. That way, you only get material of interest to you.
Homeworld https://KayelleAllen.com
Reader Groups https://kayelleallen.com/reader-groups/
Twitter http://twitter.com/kayelleallen
Facebook http://facebook.com/kayelleallen.author
Pinterest http://pinterest.com/kayelleallen/
Amazon Author page http://amazon.com/author/kayelleallen
READER INVITATION: Want to win a free ebook? Visitors to this pro-pet blog can join in the fun and share photos of their pets for a chance to win one of my ebooks! Each month, I’ll randomly pick one of the pet photos to win and to feature on my social media pages and in my reader newsletter. To leave a comment and a photo, click on the word “Reply,” which is just below the social media icons for THIS interview. (Don’t scroll past this interview to the next interview.) Go Pets!
Hi, Kayelle! Happy New Year! It was a pleasure to interview you and get the know better the woman behind the amazing author group, Marketing For Romance Writers. Thank you for being my January Go Pets! interviewee!
I’m honored to be here, Marcia. Love your little pooch. ^_^ He’s adorable!
Thank you! 😉
Hi Kayellee and Marcia,
I enjoyed the interview, Kayelle. Didn’t know you had ‘that’ many pages of info. Awesome. Marcia and I have chatted about her pooch before. Isn’t he just adorable?
Wishing you both the very best for 2019.
Hi, Keta! {{waving from Ohio}} Thanks for dropping by my blog. 😉 Best wishes on a healthy and happy 2019!
I love any book that includes pets! I especially love all of your pet posts. They make my day! I have a blond Cocker named Max. I had a few pictures of him but, when I moved everything over to my new computer, I can’t find any of them! Just imagine a cute face with white freckles on his nose!
Hi, Cindy! Thank you for dropping by my blog. Max sounds adorable! 😉 You posted this comment on my January interview, so I’m going to repost it on my February interview to make sure you are in the running for a free ebook. 😉 I hope you have a wonderful weekend!