Karen McCullough
- I hear you have a dog in your novel, Programmed For Danger. Tell us about the book.
Yes, there is a dog in Programmed for Danger. Mac is my heroine’s beloved companion mutt. When someone asks if he’s friendly, she replies: “Worse. He has a generalized love for humanity that borders on neurotic.” He’s also quite fond of pizza!
The quick blurb for Programmed for Danger: Computer programming isn’t usually a dangerous occupation, but Andrea Kingston finds herself fighting for both her love and her life when she’s hired to solve Ferverill-West Company’s computer problems.
The book was originally published by Avalon Books, but is now available as an ebook from the usual ebook outlets.
Amazon Kindle B&N for Nook Smashwords
2. Why did you add a dog to Programmed For Danger?

Gremlin. The pictures are old and somewhat faded, I’m afraid.
My heroine Andrea has a snug little house in the country, but wanted a dog for protection. What she got instead was Mac, a mutt who loves everyone.
Over the years, our family has had a lot of pets, but at heart, I’m a dog person. My very first pet, acquired shortly after my husband and I got married, way back when, was a dog named Gremlin. He was part beagle, part dachshund, and very affectionate. We had him for fifteen good years. Shortly after he died we were adopted by a cat named Tiger Henry who lived in the neighborhood, but in a household where he wasn’t all that welcomed by several already-in-residence felines. The neighbor finally conceded ownership of him to us. Over the years we’ve also had a parakeet, a rabbit, a couple of gerbils, and more hamsters than I can count.

Tiger Henry, lying on the couch with my youngest daughter.
3. What other novels have you written?
Lots of them! I’ve had fifteen novels published since I sold my first romantic suspense novel to Avalon in 1989. Programmed for Danger was actually the second novel I sold, but a couple of years ago I got rights back to all of my old Avalon books and republished them as ebooks. Since it involved computers, I did an extensive re-write of it prior to re-releasing it. I’ve also had half a dozen or so novellas and a bunch of short stories included in various anthologies and some are now also available as ebooks. I write and have been published in several genres: romance, romantic suspense, fantasy, paranormal, and mystery. A few of my most recent re-releases are shown below.
4. Tell us about your kudos or reviews.
Argh! I hate beating my own drum. But I’ve won several awards, including an Eppie Award (now the Epic E-book Award) for best fantasy novel (The Rainbow Bridge, now re-titled, Wizard’s Bridge) and a Vixen Award for the book now titled The Wizard’s Shield. I’m a four-time Eppie finalist, and a finalist in the Daphne, Prism, Rising Star, Lories, and the International Digital Awards.
5. Where can readers learn more about your books and connect with you online?
You can find a list of all my currently available books, my bio, sign up for my newsletter, and visit my dragon collection at my website: http://www.kmccullough.com/
Other places I hang out:
Blog: http://www.kmccullough/kblog
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarenMcCulloughAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kgmccullough
My Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Karen-McCullough/e/B0043TJ870/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Hi, Karen! Thank you for being my October interviewee! I’ve enjoyed several of your books so far and look forward to reading more of them. I especially want to read Programmed For Danger. Heading over to buy the ebook right now! 😉
Hi Karen, Love getting to read authors I haven’t before. Can’t wait to pick up one of your books. Have a great day.
Hi, Ida! What a cute pooch! Thanks for posting the photo. 😉 Actually, you posted it on my October interview, which was my fault since I mentioned in my newsletter not to go past my September blog post, when I should have said my October blog post. ;-( Sorry. But you and your pup are still in the running to win an ebook!
Ida — I moved your comment (minus the “Hi, Karen”) to Leslie’s interview post. Have a great weekend!