
J. Paulette Forshey — 7 Comments

  1. Hi, Paulette! Thanks for being my June interviewee! I hope my readers wil discover your books and enjoy them like I did! Have a happy June!

  2. Hi Paulette, your interview was amazing
    Thank you so much, I will have to read one of your books. I love Christmas and animals, your Belle was so darn cute and looked very wise. My sister has an all black kitty baby named Nadia, she is so sweet and spoiled, but they all should be. I haven’t had very many pets, but I had my own kitty many years ago and he was my baby, also fresh water fish. Thank you for the amazing interview I loved it, have a great weekend.

    • Congratulations, Deva! You won one of my ebooks. I’ll email you to let you know how to get your ebook. Have a wonderful summer!

  3. Hi, Deva! Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting on Paulette’s interview. It sounds like you and your sister are pet lovers. Most of my family are cat parents, although two prefer dogs. I think pets make such a wonderful addition to our lives. Best wishes on a happy June!

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